after thinking about how i dont have any way for people who come across this site to contact me, i got the amazing idea to set up a discord webhook that will message whatever you put in the form above to my personal discord account. its completely spammable and unregulated, so send me as much shit as you want.
pretty sure image links will work too.
UPDATE: heres some messages i got
so it's been nearly 2 years since i set this up. sometimes i completely forget about this, then ill get some random message and be like "oh yeah, thats still a thing.". these aren't all of the messages i got, but they're the ones i wanted to show off
the word limit is probably whatever discords word limit is. also you totally could just send me a virus. if i ever get sent an exe through this thing, i promise to open it with a virtual machine
eh, they're alright
probably 3713
good for you bro
i remember this annoyed the fuck out of me, i think i was trying to sleeping and just heard a bunch of notfications from my computer.